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MagicCanvas React Component

The <MagicCanvas> React component takes the following props:

  • width: number - the width of the canvas in pixels (required)
  • height: number - the height of the canvas in pixels (required)
  • rendererUrl: string - the URL for the bundled Renderer JS (see Webpack Loader below for more info) (required)
  • renderProps: Record<string, any> - an object with values to be passed to the Renderer's render() function on each frame (optional)
  • initialRenderState: Record<string, any> - an object with values to initialize the renderer's internal state (optional)
  • remote: boolean - a boolean (false by default) that indicates whether the canvas contents should be rendered remotely and streamed to the client (optional)

The Renderer

The Renderer is the part of your application's code that takes a GL context and renders to it. A Renderer must have a createRenderer(context) function as a default export that takes a WebGL1 Rendering Context. (WebGL2 is not currently supported, but WebGPU support is coming soon!) This createRenderer(context) function should return a render(props) function that will be called on every frame with the values passed to the MagicCanvas component's renderProps prop.

For example:

export default function createRenderer(context) {
// do some setup with the context
return function render(renderProps) {
// do some rendering with the context + renderProps

Note: the Renderer is not tied to a specific WebGL framework (e.g. THREE.js). Using a WebGL framework should work in most cases, though, as most frameworks support taking an existing WebGL context as an argument. You can also write a Renderer without any WebGL framework if you'd prefer to write raw WebGL code.

When rendering locally, the Renderer is run in a WebWorker. When rendering remotely, the Renderer is run in NodeJS. For this reason, Renderer code can't rely on browser-only APIs or DOM elements. This also means that context.canvas may not point to an actual canvas and instead be a thin shim. Values like width and height which are often accessed from the canvas element should be accessed with context.drawingBufferWidth and context.drawingBufferHeight.

Webpack Loader

MagicCanvas currently provides a Webpack loader for producing a JS bundle using the .render.js (or .render.ts) file as an entrypoint, which it saves to the static directory. At build time, the loader replaces imports of the .render.js file with a URL to the bundled JS. This URL should be passed to the MagicCanvas as the rendererUrl prop. For example:

// the Webpack Loader transforms this import into a URL that points to the bundled render.js file
import myDemoUrl from './my-demo.render

// ...

// ...

Adding the loader to a NextJS config, for example:

const magicCanvasLoader = require('magic-canvas-loader')
module.exports = {
webpack: (config) => {
test: /\.render.[tj]s$/,
use: [{ loader: magicCanvasLoader }]
return config